Notes from the serverless wasm meetup

Matt Bucher

  • Made helm, ex microsoft, kubernetes early days contributor great guy

Definition of Serverless:

  • Pattern in which the dev does not write a server process(sockets or daemons), entry point is an event handler
  • Deus, open source competitor to heroku PaaS
  • Explored kubernetes there, ms accquires deus, built AKS there
  • Had to write new dockerfiles and images for diff images and OSs
  • VMs big workhorse of the cloud
  • Most functions as a service are built as a VM, supposed to be super fast, but was built on tech too bloated
  • VM package the entire OS, serveral minutes to start
  • Containers easier to use than VMs, dockerfiles good, dev exp for containers was great. Took 10-20 sec always less than a min
  • Made no sense to have a shortlived process, but wait for 10-20 secs
  • Functions:
    • Event handler function love
    • Too slow(200 msec)
    • Fixed OS and Arch -> serverless?
    • Difficult dev experience

Motivation at fermyon:

  • Want fast start times
  • Don’t need to know about OS and arc
  • Fermyon Spin: 52ms, AWS lambda 250ms
  • If you hit the 100ms threshold to load a page SEO penalties
  • AWS cappin sayin 200-500ms was good
  • To hit good page speed, you’d have to focus a lot on optimisation and stuff
  • WASM: near native start times
  • See, google page speed ranking
  • spin cold starts are like 1ms


  • What is wasm? Its just another bytecode format that is platfrom and arch independent
  • Designed so that in low power environments it can run as interpreted
  • You can run it in JIT mode
  • Make it execute at native speed
  • Pre initilisation when js is used. Shaved off time doing this
  • Mozilla putting scenes with wasm
  • They did development in the open
  • Cross browser support straight away
  • People involved in standardising js were involved with wasm
  • Ruby was supposed to be a shell like language, but then ruby on rails came out

WASM strengths:

  • Security sandboxing
  • Cross platform and cross architecture
  • Fast
  • Ideally supports compile to all languages
  • Containers weaker because of shared kernel, wasm has much tighter security, it restricts access to sys calls

Use cases:

  • BBC and amazon wrote their players on wasm, they have articles check it out

  • With WASM you can pick the app you like! It takes communities to make WASM successful, compiler and toolchain of each lang needs to do it

  • Mozilla gambled big with wasm, check redmonk to see wasm support rankings.

Scripting vs compiled:

  • Scripting needs to be interpreted. Approach was to compile the interpreter itself
  • Compile interpreter itself into wasm

Bombardier Load test command

  • every single request runs in an isolated sandbox
  • every single request has its own memory address
  • Less than ms performance
  • Once you’ve built that wasm module you can run it anywhere, entirely isolated, near native performance
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